dostal som takýto emailík od organizázorov výstavy v Ljubljane. A chcel by som týmto splniť ich prosbu o zdieľanie. Podľa mňa zapojením sa nič nikto nestratí
Dear all,
Since this year we weren't able to organise a live exhibition, we finally managed to organize a virtual LEGO Exhibition - VrPlanet Kock. It is intended for all international AFOL's who want to participate with at least
16x16 studs MOC.
So, if you built a creation in 2020 or you plan to do it
till 14.12.2020, please send us pictures and some basic data. It is very easy to participate. Please visit our page for all the details:
After the deadline, we'll open a 5 days voting period.
The prizes for the winners are really great.
You can also inform your colleagues at your LUG and other LEGO fans. Everyone can participate.
Greetings from Slovenia and stay safe,
Kocke klub team