LEGO > Všeobecná diskusia
LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive
Mozno poznate tuto radu setov - ak nie, tak v skratke: kazdorocne TLC organizuje pre par vyvolenych exkurziu tovarne v Billunde a vsetkeho co k tomu patri. Akcia trva myslim 2, alebo 3 dni. Na exkurzii sa moze zucastnit len isty pocet ludi a na zaver kazdy ucastnik dostane exkluzivny set, vydany k tejto prilezitosti. Tieto sety su kazdy zvlast ocislovane a maju nesmiernu hodnotu! Nesmiernu hodnotu ma ale aj suma, ktoru za tuto akciu zaplatite. Doteraz boli vydane tieto sety a tento rok pribudol tento:
Aka je sanca sa tam dostat na tu exkurziu?
Vcelku velka, pokial na to mas :)
Who can participate?
The LEGO® Inside Tour welcomes all LEGO fans, individuals as well as families, and children above 7 of age*. What we all have in common is the joy and interest for LEGO®.
What does it costs to participate?
This unique LEGO experience costs DKK 12.000,- per person (+-1600E) and it includes the following:
- Transportation to all LEGO areas in Billund
- Accommodation Wednesday – Friday at the 4-star Hotel LEGOLAND®
- Breakfast and lunch Thursday and Friday
- Dinner Wednesday and Thursday night
- LEGO Inside Tour experiences
- Meet our LEGO Designers
- Visit Ole Kirk’s House
- Visit the LEGO factories
- LEGOLAND Behind the Scene
- LEGO Inside Tour ”Gift” (specially produced for this year’s tour)
- Surprises during the tour
Tak toto vyzerá naozaj na veľmi zaujímavú záležitosť.
Ale aj draha! Si predstav, ze chces ist s 2 detmi - kolko zaplatis?
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